Kathy Thomas Kathy Thomas

Social Media Integration

Thank you SquareSpace - prayer hands - for making social media store integration so freaking easy! I’m not going to lie. I was sweating when I started reading what I ‘thought’ was required of me to setup my Facebook and Instagram shop BUT THANK YOU to whoever said… “No! We will make this easier for Kathy because she doesn’t need this stress!”

All I wanted was to make it easier for new potential customers to find my available artwork. You want it. It’s for sale. Purchase. Ta-da! We’re both happy. I’m beyond excited and hopeful that I’m taking the right steps before the hot season of gift giving rolls in. Maybe you’re lost.. social media integration? Such big words, but this is why it’s so important!

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Kathy Thomas Kathy Thomas

Content Creation

As I sit here and think of what topic I’d like to discuss, I’m reminded of the fact that being an Artist requires so much more than creating a piece or collection of artwork. You really need to be multi talented and skilled if you want to be successful or “obtain that reach”.

I like to take the natural route when it comes to sharing content. I want to be personal (but not too personal), have fun (sharing my favorite reel of the day), and share what I want, when I want. It’s hard to keep up and be consistent but it’s necessary if you want to be successful.

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no, i do not have a physical store. i have an online, shop, and my home is my art studio.